"Braving Currents. Forging Partners. Serving Humanity."
#MSUMag | The Office of the Vice Chancellor for Planning and Development headed by Dr. Arceli B. Naraga spearheaded a Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) Consultation on the Development Plans of MSU-Maguindanao held at Simeon Datumanong Hall, Graduate Studies, Tamontaka, Datu Odin Sinsuat, Maguindanao on February 6, 2023.
Madame Angelita T. Datucan, the Vice Chancellor for Administration and Finance, conveyed that the university, under the dynamic and transformative leadership of Dr. Bai Hejira Nefertiti M. Limbona, aspires to be responsive in addressing to the needs of its clients and other stakeholders to provide inclusive and parallel services. Guided by the vision and mission of MSU Maguindanao, through collaboration, the Five-Year Development Plan of MSU-Maguindanao was crafted, wherein the administration aims to emphasize providing a developed venue for our students and for everyone to continuously experience quality education and services as we strive to become the premier innovative center of development in the region.
Notably, the World Bank (2007) applies the term CSOs to the vast array of nongovernmental and nonprofit organizations that have a presence in public life and express the interests and values of their members or others based on ethical, cultural, political, scientific, religious, or philanthropic considerations. It has been acknowledged that consultations with CSOs increase the quality of development plans and project proposals by allowing them to share their perspectives and experiences, and that said consultation is a component of broader participatory procedures that the University offers to its stakeholders. In addition, the CSOs consultations help shape development efforts.
Specifically, the purpose of the CSOs Consultations on the Development Plans of MSU-Maguindanao was to improve the quality of the development plans of the University by capturing inputs (comments and recommendations); laying broad-based participation among stakeholders; increasing transparency; and strengthening the relationship and cooperation between MSU-Maguindanao and the CSOs.
The activity was graced by twenty-one (21) CSOs who actively participated in the deliberation of the development plans, namely:
1. United Bangsa Iranun for Peace and Development (UBIDPD)
2. Care for Women Peace and Security (CWPS)
3. League of Bangsamoro Organizations (LBO)
4. Society of Filipino Forester Inc. (SFFI)
5. International Karate Organization (IFO)
6. Islamic Relief Philippines (IRP)
7. Mindanao Women Advocacy for Good Governance (MWAGG)
8. Police Hotline Movement Inc. (PHMI)
9. Razzaq Amal Haraka Association Inc. (RAHA Inc.)
10. Initiatives for Dialogue and Empowerment through Alternative Legal Services (IDEALS Inc.)
11. Muslim Youth Brotherhood Inc. (MYB Inc.)
12. Kabpamagadaya Service Cooperative (KSC)
13. Development Youth Management Assembly in Mindanao (DYMA Min)
14. Bangsamoro Advocacy for Sustainable Educational Development
15. Junior Chamber International (JCI) β Cotabato Chapter
16. Care Channels Inc.
18. Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW)
19. Noorus Salam National Women Council (NSNWC) 20. Equal Access Intβl β Phils
21. Leaders Initiatives Fostering Empowerment (LIFE)
Nine (9) project proposals were presented. These development plans centered on upgrading academic buildings for the College of Agriculture, College of Fisheries, and College of Forestry and Environmental Studies, and constructing new centers for Information, Education, and Communication, disaster management, and healthcare facility. Proposals on Agrotechnology Innovation Center for Agriculture, Fisheries, and Food Systems and the Farmers Academy were also presented by the Research Services Director, Dr. Raquel S. Arenas, and Vice Chancellor for Research Extension and Development, Dr. Ramjie Y. Odin, respectively.
Dr. Muhammad A. Midzid, the Director of Academic Graduate Studies Programs, delivered the concluding message emphasizing the productiveness of the event.